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Brief introduction of Ebony museum

更新时间:2016-01-18 小编:峨眉乐山旅游网 0 22705

Brief introduction of Ebony museum

Sichuan Leshan ebony treasure and culture garden is a special-topic museumwhich is mainly shows ebony-carving arts , simultaneously-rshows thecollections of ebony-carving arts  ,   research the ebony-carving arts.lt is the largestebony museum in the world at the present.The whole garden occupies 50Mu,construction area is 11,000 square meters ,  the total investing is more than200,000,000 RMB .The thousand piece of ebony art treasure of museum inner display"has fused the Chinese nation several history in thousands culture,;olk culture element ,  be that culture .   history  .  economy and the artistic valueromoting once take a look with creating ,  it s another "gold business card onichuan cultural travels ".

Brief introduction of Ebony

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